A Virtual Communications Engagement Shoppe

Elevating your brand, story and stakeholder engagement to the highest levels.
Strategic Communications  |  Reputation Management  |  Branding  |  Engagement  |  Milestone Campaigns

Who We Are

At ELEVATION, less really is more!

We offer the same services and expertise you’ll find at a large brick-and-mortar agency, but with agile resource deployment in a virtual setting. Translation? We can meet your needs faster and more cost-effectively than the big guys.

We don’t waste a lot of time billing for overhead, instead we focus on getting the job done. We bring a fresh eye and years of experience to your project, identifying opportunities to elevate your story – shifting your position from reactive to proactive.

Whether you want to connect with key stakeholders, increase sales, protect your reputation, celebrate a milestone anniversary or enhance your brand, you’ll want to have ELEVATION on your team.

(Plus, the folks at ELEVATION take ‘FUN’ to new heights!)

Our Services

We specialize in brand building and audience engagement.

Strategic Communications

Your story – it’s what makes your company unique. We provide strategic communications planning and execution that focuses on your company and key stakeholders, always seeking ways to elevate your story in the marketplace.

Value-Add Products:

  • Communication audits & plans
  • Message & persona development
  • Stakeholder/marketplace evaluations
  • Event planning
  • Public relations campaigns

Reputation Management

In good times – and bad – your reputation remains your single most valuable asset. It takes years and endless touchpoints to build that reputation and it can be destroyed overnight. Preserving, protecting and enhancing your organization’s reputation is a top priority at ELEVATION.

Value-Add Products:

  • Crisis communications planning
  • Media training
  • Spokesperson prep


Whether it’s a brand refresh or a total facelift that your organization is seeking, the team at ELEVATION will guide the process from brand value assessment through to metric measurements. We’ll help you find the public face that best tells your story.

Value-Add Products:

  • Brand value assessments
  • Creative campaign development
  • Design and execution of integrated marketing campaigns
  • Logo redesigns
  • Content creation
  • Web page construction
  • Digital campaign creation

Employee & Community Engagement

Relationship-building. It’s the ‘secret sauce’ for improving the bottom line, increasing satisfaction levels, or having an impact. Good relationships are built on good communication. The ELEVATION team will help you connect with key stakeholders through honest, transparent communication – using the right messages in the right channels to connect with the right people.

Value-Add Products:

  • Communication channel audits
  • Employee communication tools
  • Speech writing
  • PR plans
  • Event planning

Milestone Campaigns

Anniversaries aren’t about where you’ve been – they’re about where you’re going! Partner with ELEVATION and we’ll help you transform your anniversary into something much greater than just another round number.

With you we’ll dream, plan, design and build undeniably memorable brand experiences that honor your organization’s past while crystalizing its relevance for the future.

We’ll identify what will appeal to your key stakeholders, then create an unexpected product that leaves them wanting more. And, we’ll put metrics in place to measure your success!

Value-Add Products:

  • Event planning
  • Digital strategy
  • Public relations plans
  • Content development

Let’s Connect!

Every project deserves an expert opinion regardless of the complexity behind it.

Contact Us Today